Tuesday, November 7, 2017

A Revolutionary Dental Technology: CEREC®

If you’ve ever needed a dental restoration, you know how long it takes. All-in-all, it could be three weeks before you have a fully functional smile again. CEREC is a dental technology that mills the restoration you need in a single visit. You don’t have to waste time with an uncomfortable false tooth or go a single day without a full smile; this in-house restoration technology makes dental prosthetics quickly and according to your unique smile.

What is CEREC?

CEREC is CAD/CAM technology that uses digital instructions to make fully-customized restorations from durable materials such as porcelain or zirconia. Inside this mini-dental lab are sculpting and milling tools that take a block of the chosen material and turn it into a usable dental prosthesis, such as a crown. Typically, dentists use impression molds to give dental labs the necessary specifications for your prosthetics, but CEREC uses digital scans. These do not use uncomfortable putty and can provide more precise specifications.

After restorations are made, they are stained and cured to match the shade of existing teeth, creating a perfect fit.

Convenient Same-Day Treatment 

When you need a crown, veneer, or another dental restoration, CEREC reduces the number of appointments required to obtain them.  This is especially useful when undergoing root canal therapy, as CEREC crowns are completed within the span of your visit; you can return to daily life with a fully functional tooth. After veneers have been planned and designed, all your dentist has to do is prepare teeth and set the CEREC machine to work. The amount of time required to affix veneers will vary, depending on the number of teeth that are being covered.

Many patients who choose implant crowns and bridges to replace teeth can also benefit from this advanced technology. Having Implant-supported restorations made in-house grants an additional measure of control over the quality and design. You don’t have to wait weeks for your replacement teeth to be produced, instead you can have a complete smile in a few days. 

Contact Richard J. Stuart, DDS in Washington Township

Our practice offers the latest in dental technology and pairs it with experienced care. Dr. Stuart is passionate about helping patients find renewed confidence in their smiles in less time. If you want to see how CEREC can benefit you, call us today!

Friday, October 13, 2017

Did you know Apples can clean your teeth when a toothbrush isn’t handy?

We've all heard the expression "an apple a day keeps the doctor away." But perhaps that should be changed to dentist. In addition to being good for your health, apples are also quite good for your teeth. In fact, if you find yourself without a toothbrush, an apple can fill in nicely. 

Apples actually act like toothbrushes because of their fiber-rich flesh. This works like a scrub on not only your teeth, but your tongue and gums as well. An apple can also help remove food particles that are hiding out between your teeth and sticking to your gums. 

As well as cleaning your teeth, because they are mildly acidic and slightly astringent, apples can also help get rid of plaque and stains. On top of that, apples can freshen breath. Is there nothing this super fruit can't do? The next time you have an after lunch meeting and forgot your toothbrush, head down to the cafeteria and grab an apple instead.

Monday, July 10, 2017

Radiation Risks? The Truth about Dental X-Rays

Often, a family trip to the dentist will feature the use of an x-ray camera. The dental hygienists will cover you or your children with a heavy apron and make you chomp on some bitewings, while the camera moves and clicks around you. Of course, the images produced by the x-rays have a purpose: cavities, jawbone degradation, and other oral health issues are made easily visible, allowing the dentist to address these issues directly. However, x-rays are a form of radiation, and some people are concerned with that exposing someone to dental x-rays will cause cancer. These concerns are especially strong for parents taking their children to the dentist.

X-rays are a type of ionizing radiation, and ionizing radiation has been shown to cause cancer. Ionizing radiation, upon passing through the body, strip electrons from the atoms this energy passes. The resulting protons, known as free radicals, then can damage the cells of the body. While these cells return to normal most of the time, on rare occasions the cells will heal with some abnormalities. These abnormal cells, consequently, can grow into cancer. From this alone, people believe that dental x-rays will cause cancer.

However, you’re always exposed to ionizing radiation. On average, your body is exposed to 3.1 millisieverts (mSv) of natural radiation alone per year. At .005 mSv, the radiation you receive from the aforementioned dental x-ray is less than 1.6% of your daily background radiation exposure. You are exposed to the same level of radiation just from sunlight each day. Additionally, each x-ray is an individual dose rather than constant exposure, which is another factor in the cancer risks of radiation exposure. X-rays only increase the odds of dying of cancer by 1 in 2,000; compare this to the natural 1 in 5 chance you have of dying of cancer.

Moreover, there are precautions in place for younger patients to help minimize their exposure. Technically, children do have a higher risk of developing cancer from radiation than adults, so dentists make up for it with stricter safety measures. Lead aprons are almost ubiquitous, but many doctors will also reduce the amount of radiation emitted by the camera when taking x-ray images of pediatric patients. The same precautions can be given to pregnant women, as fetuses are assumed to be just as vulnerable as children. Your children could be receiving special considerations regarding radiation exposure risks already.

Ultimately, the benefits of detecting an oral health issue as early as possible far outweighs the negligible cancer risk. Not only are healthy teeth and gums alone something worth keeping, but many recent studies have shown connections between oral health and overall bodily health as well. Being able to detect and address these issues is paramount to your health and your children’s health. So, the next time your dentist readies the bitewings and camera, don’t be afraid. The benefits are high, the risk is low, and the dentist is likely being extra careful with your children anyways.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Do you have a dental emergency?

Knocking out a permanent tooth is a true dental emergency. Don’t be afraid to contact your dentist right away. If you knock out a permanent tooth, here is what to do. 

1. Hold the tooth by the crown and not the root so as not to spread bacteria unto the root 

2. Rinse dirt or any debris off with room temperature water but be gentle with the root. 

3. Try to reinsert the tooth until you get to the dentist and hold it into place. 

4. If reinserting is not an option, keep it moist by covering it with milk or water. 

5. For optimal outcome, try to get to a dentist within 30 minutes.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Periodontal Disease

What It Is
Periodontal disease, known as gum disease or periodontitis, is one of the most common causes of tooth loss. In the United States, it is estimated that half of Americans aged 30 or older have advanced gum disease. While highly prevalent, this dental condition is preventable with a good oral health regimen.

Periodontal disease symptoms become apparent as bacteria and debris accumulate around teeth and below the gum line and hardens into tartar. If not removed by a professional, tartar and bacteria can cause inflammation of the gums and weakening of teeth.

There are variables that can increase your risk of periodontitis that range from genetic predisposition and underlying health conditions, to certain lifestyle habits. Diet, taking certain medications, decreased immunity, and hormonal changes can also increase your chances of developing gum disease.

Periodontitis begins with the onset of gingivitis. In this early stage, bacteria builds up, irritating the surrounding gums. As bacteria accumulate and plaque builds and hardens into tartar, there is a weakening of bone and connective tissue that keeps teeth in their sockets. As bacteria spreads, pockets that trap further bacteria begin to form around teeth and under soft tissue. In patients with advanced periodontal disease, teeth become loose and fall out.

One of the most difficult aspects of spotting periodontal disease without help from a dentist is that the condition can progress slowly in patients and may not always produce obvious signs. Patients may notice:

- Gum tenderness
- Gum recession
- Bad breath or bad taste in your mouth
- Loose teeth or a change in teeth alignment

Diagnosis of gum disease typically involves visiting a dentist for a visual examination of your oral condition, as well as charting pocket depths and using X-Rays to check bone loss in areas with deeper periodontal pockets.

Early diagnosis gives patients the greatest chance of reversing damage with nonsurgical treatments. These procedures include root scaling and planing, which removes tartar and bacteria from surfaces of teeth and beneath the gums and smooths root surfaces,. Antibiotics that are either taken orally or topically as a rinse, can also be used to reduce bacteria and inflammation.

For patients with advanced periodontitis, dental surgery may be the most effective option to reduce pocket size and restore the healthy appearance and supportive structure of soft tissue.

Periodontal disease is preventable by practicing consistent and good oral hygiene. As a rule of thumb, you should be taking between 3-5 minutes twice day to care for your teeth and gums by flossing first to loosen any food particles and bacteria, and brushing to clean all surfaces of teeth. You should also visit your dentist twice a year for thorough teeth cleanings. Patients displaying early signs of gum disease may require more frequent dental visits throughout the year.

If are exhibiting signs and symptoms of gum disease, you should contact your dentist as soon as possible. The sooner you can receive treatment, the more likely you will be able to reverse any damage caused by periodontal disease.